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Pneumatic stretching system SEFAR® Pneumapp 2

Pneumatic stretching system SEFAR® Pneumapp 2

Regular price ₹473,000.00 INR
Regular price Sale price ₹473,000.00 INR
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SEFAR® Pneumapp 2 is a specially developed stretching system as a result of a combination of practical experience and clever engineering. The device has a higher stretching power for improved fabric stretching.

Modular solution : Three different clamp sizes (jaw widths) and the control unit provide a reliable working system which is suitable for all frame sizes and fabrics. The pneumatic connectors are made for easy device reconfiguration.

  • Stretching Clamp - 4 Nos
  • Control Unit PN-200 - 1 Unit
  • Guide Bar PN-10 - 2 Nos
  • Frame Support for Metal Frames - 4 Nos
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