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Roller Mill Rolls (Make - Balaguer Rolls, Spain)

Roller Mill Rolls (Make - Balaguer Rolls, Spain)

Regular price ₹225,500.00 INR
Regular price Sale price ₹225,500.00 INR
Sale Sold out

Quantity - 1 Pair 

Centrifugally chilled cast iron rolls, casted with two Materials, in Balaguer quality K36 (510/530 HB) For fluted rolls and K01 (420/470 HB) for polish rolls, with minimum depth of chill 17mm, with steel shafts C-45 Quality, completed finished and grinded as per drawing. Surface fluted as per specifications, dynamically balanced G2.5 at 700 RPM, packaged in Wooden pallets

Shaft & Grooving as per requirement. 

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